preregistered series
These offerings are labelled on our schedule and require commitment to specific days, usually consecutively for a number of weeks. These will require a minimum number of students to run and sometimes will also need to be capped at a maximum number of students i.e. Chair Yoga. These classes require you to preregister so we know you plan to attend. We kindly ask that if you no longer plan to attend and have registered that you either cancel your registration online (you will receive a link in the confirmation email you receive when you register) or send an email so we have an accurate count on students. You can follow the link to our live schedule page and scroll ahead to the start date to register. Note that these classes are not applicable to regular class passes. Unlimited students may register for these series at half price.
When: Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm starting May 5
How Long: 4 wks | May 5, 12, 19 + 26
Where: Bloom Metta Yoga + Wholeness | 505 Alice St. Southampton, ON
Price: $70+hst (4 weeks) | $57+hst (3 weeks) | $21+hst (drop in)
Student Expectation:
Incorporating the principles and practices of Yoga to help prepare for your birthing experience. Supporting, nourishing, and empowering the mind and the body during this special time while connecting with other mamas on their journey.
When: Wednesdays 10-11am starting May 11
How Long: 4 wks | May 11, 18, 25, June 1
Where: Bloom Metta Yoga + Wholeness | 505 Alice St. Southampton, ON
Price: 4 wks- $70+hst | 3 wks- $57+hst
Student Expectation:
Postnatal Pilates is a selection of low impact exercises aimed to specifically strengthen the deep core muscles. They also aid in improving stability and encouraging pelvic floor awareness to reconnect to the body after birth.
When: Mondays 11am - 12:00pm starting May 30th
How Long: 4 wks | May 30, June 6, 13 + 20
Where: Bloom Metta Yoga + Wholeness | 505 Alice St. Southampton, ON
Price: 4wks- $45+hst | 3wks- $37+hst
Student Expectation: This class is a perfect option for any Yogis that have challenges with getting up and down from the floor. The chair can be an extremely versatile prop to hep make many yoga postures and mindful movements more accessible while also still layering many options to meet yourself where you are at.